First Post, Sort Of
April 28, 2024

This isn't exactly my first post, but it is a first for this website. I had a website before, but I didn't use it much. The last time I posted to that website was about a year ago. So, I decided to start a new one from scratch. Why from scratch? Why not? No framework, no static site builders, none of that, because where's the fun in that? At least not for now. I will probably add those things gradually, because creating a new HTML file every time I want to write a post will get tedious and hard to manage without some sort of content management system. For now, though, it will be very basic.
A little about me. My name is Deividas Rimkus, from Lithuania, currently living in Ireland. I am not a web developer, software engineer, designer, or anything similar. I have a very basic job with little to no career progression opportunities. I always wanted to learn programming, but every time I would quit before even starting. Eventually, I started learning and did learn some JavaScript, but then got overwhelmed with all the frameworks, libraries, and whatnot, and slowly stopped doing any programming. And now I am back at it again. Not trying to get a job or anything like that, but just doing some programming as a hobby. Though I already have a hobby, which is cycling, but who says I can't have two hobbies?
As for this website, it is going to be quite random, probably. It won't be just programming related, maybe not even just tech-related, but instead just random things I learn about. Kind of like a notebook or a programming playground for me.